Your value, to employers, clients, partners, and colleagues will diminish over time unless you "sharpen the saw".
To that end, I want to call your attention to a couple public classes we are offering in Rochester, Minnesota (aka: the home office).
DB2 for i Advanced SQL and Data Centric Programming
2015, February 17-19
Skills taught
- Defining advanced SQL DDL syntax when creating tables and indexes to leverage DB2 for i data-centric features
- Advanced query features such as common table expressions, views, subqueries, and OLAP specifications on SQL DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements
- Advanced join and hierarchical processing with SQL DML
- Define and code SQL triggers and SQL user-defined functions
- Code advanced features of SQL procedures, including error handling and passing result sets
- Define and code SQL global variables
- Integrating DB2 and XML data with SQL
More information can be found here.
DB2 for i SQL Performance Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning
2015, February 24-27
Skills taught
- The science of query optimization. This topic covers the data access methods available to the DB2 for i Query Optimizer and the conditions in which the cost based optimizer chooses these methods.
- The art of query optimization. Knowing how the query optimizer works, and what the database engine can do are the first steps in getting the most out of DB2 for i. This topic covers indexing strategies including Encoded Vector Indexes (EVI) and join optimization techniques along with the DB2 SMP (Symmetrical Multiprocessing) feature and parallel processing.
- SQL performance techniques and considerations. A must for the SQL application developer. Topics include understanding SQL Access Plans and Open Data Paths (ODP), effective use of blocking, and best practices when using SQL programming interfaces such as ODBC and JDBC.
- SQL Performance Tools and Analytical Methods. These topics include
in depth discussions of the SQL Plan Cache, Database Monitor, Index
Advisor and others.
More information can be found here.
If you need more detail on what the respective classes cover, or why the knowledge and skill are critical success factors in the world of database engineering, please contact me. And if you want to explore a private and/or customized session, we can assist there as well.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
― Abraham Lincoln
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